Many persons inspired me; I observed and learnt lot from them. Before coming into the book world I got introduced with magazines where I used to read my favorite articles. It evoked confidence inside me. The tamil magazine “nanaiyam vikatan” was the first magazine on business to me. It paved the way to books. Many regular articles were published as a book. One of my inspired articles is by the ace entrepreneur Mr. C. K. Ranganathan, CMD. Cavin Kare Ltd, India. I couldn’t remember the article name now, but I got that book once and I read, later I gifted it to my friend. Now I need to find the name of the book. So I thought of google it. Eureaka! I found the book name its “Moola Dhanam”, wonderful handbook for youngsters. Mr. C. K. Ranganathan interviews many other entrepreneurs who struggle a lot to come up in their business, lot of inspirations in one book. Wow!
This happened before my visit to my Chennai programme where I motivated some college students. While my journey I was thinking about the articles I read in that book. Great book by the great author. Cavin Kare was the first to introduce FMCG products in sachet. C. K. Ranganathan is my first inspiration in business. Later when I was returning to my place from Chennai, in airport I was checking in, one person came near me and asked whether this is the check-in counter for the spicejet flight to Coimbatore. Yes sir, this is it I replied with a smile. He thanked and went. Later I was thinking deeply about the person. He was too familiar to me. I have seen him somewhere, his name is? This is called as TOT phenomenon in Psychology. We remember some person but their name will not come. But the name came suddenly; yes he is none other than Mr. C. K. Ranganathan. Surprised! Think the nature really gives. Remember?
I went first to my lounge searching for him. Later he entered. I thought getting an introduction and a sweet autograph from him. I am lazy I was not having my autograph book. But fortunately I was having my favorite book which I was and I will read while journeying. It is Dale Carnegie’s how to stop worrying and start living. So I took that book and went near him. I was tensed what will he think, suddenly an unknown person meet him. Since it is my first meeting of a personality in my life. This made me tensed. My body was in heat and my inner hands were cold, couldn’t even go near him. So I went to the nearby wash room and relaxed, came out drank some water and asked a question to myself (ask lot of questions, it will help you to grow to the next level). What if he congrats me? He is the wonderful person, if you show smile of course others will give back the same. So no worries. Let me go and introduce myself and request him to give his expression in this sweet book. I prepared myself as I teach to my people how to introduce to new people. I went near him. Hello sir, O hai he replied with a sweet smile. Later I introduced myself and I said him he is my first inspiration in business and I have read his articles and requested him to put his impression in my book. He wished me to come up well in life and he gave his impression. He asked about my profession and I told him. This is my first autograph sir; you are my first inspiration in Business. He was happy and I was happier. Dear friends, don’t hesitate to have an introduction with any important persons, prepare yourself and intro yourselves. Don’t forget to get an autograph, a photo with him/her and more than all give your business card. And also don’t forget to share the experience.
All the best for your ventures.
Opportunity comes! wherever, whenever. Dont miss!