Baby - the lovable stage where one learns to observe and understand things. A baby observes certain things around him and learns according to its knowledge. A mom teaches or makes him to understand to walk and talk etc. A baby is fresh to anything, he learns all new and he also implements it. But after we grow up due to changes in our body, mind we forget the good things in us. Same way we also forget to observe and learn new things. We fear to learn or understand new things. We forget our innocence which we had in our baby stage. The point here i am going to share is "Be like a baby". I got this point by observing some babies. Its festive season in my place, my friends are married and now they got a baby also. Raja, a cute little guy. He is one year old, just now learning to speak, he observes minutely and repeats what we are saying. Astonishing thing isn't. I asked that new guy to say "maa" he was so quiet then again i said "say maa" again i got a reply in silence but i observed his eyes, he was silent and his eyes was observing my mouth and he was taking in the sound produced by me. He sense the sound. Later after 3 attempts i succeeded, yes he told "maa" again "maa" and now a hat rick "maa" wow, great buddy you did a good job i appreciated myself. See the way a baby learn things. I applied the same experiment with three other babies also it worked. My thought is we should always have an attitude of a baby who is ready to observe, understand and learn new things. If we follow this we will definitely be world class innovator. We will surely get new concepts to work upon. We will have an ability to create. Another thing is a baby is a world class listener, it listens observes, learns and then executes. Same way if we have a baby character we would also be a world class listener. Remember a good listener is a good innovator.
I remember a wonderful 3d animation movie "Toy Story” directed by John Lasseter awesome movie. It’s about some toys which come to life when the Andy (A little boy loves to be in his room, playing with his toys,) is not there. The story will revolve completely in a toy's angle. I also saw the interview by the director. "How you came across a childish subject sir?" He replied - "I went to my younger stage and observed what and all I did, who all I play with, I used to create a story and play with dolls". Same thing I executed in my script also and the movie came. I hope u got all the points here. The director didn't forget his past and also he was like a baby fresh to understand and implement things. There born a script which was a box office hit of the year 1995. When a question "How do you write so child like wonderful stories for children?" was asked to a famous children author. He told "I never grow". He is at his younger level observing small small things and he expresses it into children stories which become the best seller. Being a baby is not so childish; being a baby is creative, innovative and impressive. So be like a baby to observe, learn and to innovate new things.
-- Eda J. Le Shan
It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.
-- Deepak Chopra
Babies touch the world with love.
-- Author Unknown
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