Wow, great and wonderful nature with green leaves, colorful flowers, huge mountains, flowing falls, moving clouds, burning sun, cold moon, nice feeling rain, no limit to sky etc. Nature the great thing to admire in this planet. Some trees are naturally carved, some give tasty food, some salty etc. Many can talk about nature. I was driving alone to think to write about the Universe and nature. My friend told that "this world is too big man, lots of pressures, stress, no money, no freedom, no time, i am getting older but still i didn't stick in one point man". I told him "My dear, why are you restricting yourself? who told you grew older? Think like this. No one is getting older, we are developing we are growing. Ten years ago we were different from now. Our body makes a new stomach lining every 5 days, a new skin once every month, a new liver every 6 weeks, more than these the billion year old DNA with memories of evolution wasn't the same 6 weeks ago buddy. So while taking about the older thing, which one you are talking about? Dear friend our mind is wired with negative thoughts a lot from our younger age. When we were at 5 we learnt many things, we did well in schools, competitions, got lots of appreciations but now, where all these talents went? It is always in our self, we forget those things as we grew with negative thoughts people. Our mind sees negatives easily. Why this happens? All these are illusions, we have to overcome the negativeness with the highest positive potential. Its easy only we need to focus on positive things, hear positive words, listen positive music, speak positive words, see positive words. Write some positive words in your room, while getting up every morning look at them. If anyone talks to you negatively don't talk to them, i know it is tough but for some days till you get the highest positive potential. Once you get this everything will change around. You will see all the things positive only. Automatically the things around you will be positive. But all these have to change in you. You have to decide that you need to change. Change happens in a second, in a moment. Everything in this world changes, except the word change, a child change into a matured male or female, egg change into butterflies, many happens often but we are not aware of those things more than these we are not aware our our self. Mr. Raj kumar(my beautiful brother) asked me the ways to change himself. I told him to Brother changes is not outside, it is inside. Look inside you positively, think positive words, grab the positive thoughts in all the people. Dear brother when you think of changing yourself this whole world will give you all the thoughts, teachings, philosophy you need. All you need to do this "Think Positive" the nature will naturally give you man. When i told these positive words, suddenly one guy interrupted "Sir, would you love to buy these posters?" When i saw that i was amazed. Yes, nature naturally gave the positive words of the great motivator Swami Vivekananda "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced.” - present in the first poster ". Really awesome experience. Nature shows you positive things when we think positive and act positive. My brother told me "Sure i am going to stick this in my room". Every day i am going to see this and feel it. Thank you Brother".
Wonderful things happen for wonderful people.
So Think - nature gives you and more than all you will see all positively.
“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” - Keri Russell
“If you don't create change, change will create you”
Very nice post...everyone should read this!
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