Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hey There! Welcome!

The past three days that guy is in my body, was struggling a lot with that idiot. He is more than an idiot when compared with me. I couldn’t observe the greenery of those bushes, orangey of the sun, those singing quills near our home, nothing was observed due to that guy who is burning my eyes little. The whole body has little pain as that idiot walks all over inside me. One of my nostrils is blocked due to the solids in my nose! O no, it is called as phlegm as told by the one! Initially he started to make me tried for all the small things where my whole body felt weak a bit. Later he ruined my social and personal life completely for the past days. I couldn’t observe, analyse or act in any situation.

That idiot was named as “flu” who sits as a neighbor in this climatic situation in his own tent. Now it’s his turn to get inside me and do his duty. But I am weirder than him. I started admiring him a lot these days. I should thank him a lot for `visiting me, because he gave me an opportunity to look unto me or take care of my physical and mental health.

It is said that he visits often to cleanse the body. But what  we do is to take him away or to suppress him certain round shaped or oval shaped white colored sugar flavored (as they say) the most sour thing we swallow it directly which acts as a so called fighting agent to conquer this idiot. But even that thing is struggling for the past three days to take that idiot away. That idiot is so smart; he loves me more than the white swallowing agent. He is there in me still. Head rotates often I mean the giddy feel, ruined my tongue where I couldn’t even enjoy the freshly brewed coffee in the morning. But I guess this is due to this white swallowing agent. This idiot is too good who told me to take rest or sleep and dream well. Only that he needs nothing else. I should thank him a lot.

Love you idiotic flu..!!!

Especially the most admirable part is about the liquids and solids in the nose. That makes me to talk in a very different voice. Awesome feel that is. The voice comes with a warm breeze from the nose. When my head lie itself on the softened (so called) pillow and close my eyes, wow that makes me to feel good. It is the most inner peace. It’s a Zen like feel.

I allow you to stay in my home for a week. Not an issue at all. But please remember that I need to enjoy my 
freshly brewed coffee soon. So please consider my point my dear!!!