Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Remove the "n o t"

Many often use these words "I cannot". Even i am there in that many. Whatever questions came we answered "I cannot" from our childhood till now. Because we are afraid of doing or learning new things. After doing few attempts and we get the result as fail, then we will be the first person to ran away to attempt again, because we failed. We wont try at all so we quit. See friends we need to try until we succeed. When we propose to lover, they will not accept in first attempt but do we quit in that process after two or three attempts? No not at all we will try, we will stand long hours in sun, we will ran towards her bus, we will wait at her college or school entrance to meet her, she will shout, scream, scold more than that we even get beaten by her father's people also. But do we ever quit in that process? No we will try after several attempts, several problems, cries, worries, screams, beatings we will get that three wonderful problematic words "I Love You". In this we put our hardest work to get those words, we stood for long hours, we wrote poems to admire her, we got gifts to impress her, we changed our style of hair, dressing etc. All these only to hear those words "I Love You". Friends same process should be applied in our life also. We have to put the hard work, it really works. In love process we will not say "I cannot", many friends, relatives, road side people will come and say its dangerous why wasting your time? but we will reply "I can" even when it comes to risky situations. We will not at try or move further if we quit. We should learn to wait and gain. Friends the words "I cannot" has I can then only not comes, analyse this. Remove the n o t. You will get the answer "I can". 

Ask yourself these questions often
Why cant me, myself?
Why cannot i do this?

The answer should be "I can". Proceed to work hard to reach the highest. Everything in this world will take its own time to develop. Even we are grown from the childhood to this age. The plants take years to grow into beautiful trees. So be patient Observe, Analyse, Act and Win. All the best.

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. - Carol Burnett 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Its an ugly winning

Wining is not a place to go. Its nothing but being. It come automatically when one does his work with pressures, problems, emotions, feelings, cry, sad and happy. Its all in our life's game. As we all know we are players and it is our hand to play well. While playing any game we should fall to catch or move on to get scores. When we fall we dirty our dresses, skins etc., same way in our life also when we fall we dirty our inner self, but we need to clean and move on to next level. The point here is don't worry of falling down, if you fall down then those are reference points for success. Don't worry of falling and uglying yourself. Its all in the game. And so its an ugly winning.

I just came across these words from Mr. Kevin Roberts, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi one of the leading agency in the globe. This guy inspired me a lot, he doesn't use the word Brand rather he says that as "Lovemarks". His wonderful book "Lovemark, Future Beyond Brands" says more about the advertising stuffs. He is dam innovative and often comes up with different concepts. I read about Winning ugly together in his blog and i came out with "its an ugly winning". Here are some of his words from his blog. Keep reading and it will inspire you a lot. 

My mantra for 2009 is “Winning Ugly Together”. I wish it were “Winning Beautiful Together” but the reality is that the economic and commercial challenges we face will draw on our stamina and our imaginations in ways most of us have never faced before. It’s going to be ugly, and the only way to face this is a) together and b) with a totally winning attitude.

“Winning Ugly” is borne of the rough and tumble of great victories on the rugby field, on the basketball court, on the tennis court, in political arenas, in battlefields. Grit, guts and genius spilling out from every pore to secure victory at the final moment.

Vince Lombardi, football “Coach of the Century”, said “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit.”

I’ve just had a note from Pully Chau, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi China. Their new business team worked for six weeks straight, relentlessly, and have come up with five major new business wins and two pending. This is a time for ultra-competitiveness and the China Lovemarks Team have set the 2009 benchmark for our network. They are committed to playing smarter; actions not words; inspirational leadership; optimism; and keeping the love flowing.

Nothing has changed in the belief system we have developed over the last decade: Peak Performance; Lovemarks as a world-changing idea; True Blue as our means of creating sustainability. Nothing Is Impossible remains stamped on our foreheads. All of this gets executed in 2009 with urgency, relentlessness, and a passion to win. Together. Ugly (or Beautiful). As Sean Fitzpatrick, the most successful All Black captain of all time said after a memorably bruising encounter, “It wasn’t pretty out there, but we’ll take the win.” - Kevin Roberts

“We're in the sunshine. That means negatives will come out. That's OK.”

 Kevin Roberts quote

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life Formula

Life Formula 

"Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process" - ANNE WILSON SCHAEF

Life = b3
b3 = (b+b+b)

Being + Become + Be = Life

I came out with this formula when i was journeying about my experiences. I hope this will help you. If a problem appears we search for solutions. We need to stop it as soon as possible to move on to the next step. If you need solution for a problem, just sit back analyse what was wrong intelligently not emotionally, go back to the origin of the problem - analyse what was wrong, why it happened like this? Who made this first? Why it came like this? by observing the answer will come to you. Same way life revolves in it. For every thing we need to go to the origin. Lets go to the origin of Life now.

First we need to understand about our life. What is Life? Who we are? What we do? for all these the answer is B3 - Being, Become, Be. Let me explain you more deeper, understand this concept and analyse. You may be in whatever situation now but his formula will help you to reach the destination. 

Good word. I use to tell my people enough of studying its now time to being. Philosophically the word being is that which has actuality either materially or in idea. There is another meaning also absolute existence in a complete or perfect state. Thoughtful meaning. Being is existence, individual, reality, realization and more than all it is life. We are being humans. We call it our self a being but we forget to live in this realization. First we need to understand this concept that we are Being. This is answer the question about Life. Our Life. So this is the first letter in the formula

So we discussed about being now its time to become. This is an important process in every one's life. If you ask a person about his ambition - he will give you a sooner reply that "I want to become a scientist" or "I want to earn more money" or "I want to serve people" and many more. People always use this word "become". We all love to become. But many problems occur internally in this process only. Become is the process which we move to the next level in our life.The word become has a very good meaning in it - to come or change more than this the good meaning can be "grow". When it come become we grow the process of growing.

The main word in Life. We are a being, we love to become to be in a position. The term position can be referred to occupy a place in life. "Be" can be seen in the other two words - Being and Become. These three are interlinked. Even "Be" refers to caterpillar later pupa which turns into a colorful butterfly and again the cycle goes to egg and so on. Same way the process of a human life is also the same after we come to "Be" we move on to being. 

You can wonder whats the use of understanding this? I suggest you to think about this formula for a while. If you understand this process you wont worry or hurry to your destination. The problem for all of us especially youngsters come only in "become" we rush saying no time no time and run towards the destination. We say to our self that the age of working or waiting is gone now no time for analysing i need to move fast. But by saying this we will come into stress. With this stress we cant move to our destination soon. It will take its own time like how we had grown for the long years. Like how a tree takes time to come out and grow from its seed. Same way Success doesn't come in one day. We need to Analyse about our inner self, then we need to Act and automatically "Win" will search for you and will come to you. 

"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. " - Buddha

"Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die" - AMELIA BURR

"It is never too late to become what you might have become."  George Eliot

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be like a BABY

Baby - the lovable stage where one learns to observe and understand things. A baby observes certain things around him and learns according to its knowledge. A mom teaches or makes him to understand to walk and talk etc. A baby is fresh to anything, he learns all new and he also implements it. But after we grow up due to changes in our body, mind we forget the good things in us. Same way we also forget to observe and learn new things. We fear to learn or understand new things. We forget our innocence which we had in our baby stage. The point here i am going to share is "Be like a baby". I got this point by observing some babies. Its festive season in my place, my friends are married and now they got a baby also. Raja, a cute little guy. He is one year old, just now learning to speak, he observes minutely and repeats what we are saying. Astonishing thing isn't. I asked that new guy to say "maa" he was so quiet then again i said "say maa" again i got a reply in silence but i observed his eyes, he was silent and his eyes was observing my mouth and he was taking in the sound produced by me. He sense the sound. Later after 3 attempts i succeeded, yes he told "maa" again "maa" and now a hat rick "maa" wow, great buddy you did a good job i appreciated myself. See the way a baby learn things. I applied the same experiment with three other babies also it worked. My thought is we should always have an attitude of a baby who is ready to observe, understand and learn new things. If we follow this we will definitely be world class innovator. We will surely get new concepts to work upon. We will have an ability to create. Another thing is a baby is a world class listener, it listens observes, learns and then executes. Same way if we have a baby character we would also be a world class listener. Remember a good listener is a good innovator. 

I remember a wonderful 3d animation movie "Toy Story” directed by John Lasseter awesome movie. It’s about some toys which come to life when the Andy (A little boy loves to be in his room, playing with his toys,) is not there. The story will revolve completely in a toy's angle. I also saw the interview by the director. "How you came across a childish subject sir?" He replied - "I went to my younger stage and observed what and all I did, who all I play with, I used to create a story and play with dolls". Same thing I executed in my script also and the movie came. I hope u got all the points here. The director didn't forget his past and also he was like a baby fresh to understand and implement things. There born a script which was a box office hit of the year 1995. When a question "How do you write so child like wonderful stories for children?" was asked to a famous children author. He told "I never grow". He is at his younger level observing small small things and he expresses it into children stories which become the best seller. Being a baby is not so childish; being a baby is creative, innovative and impressive. So be like a baby to observe, learn and to innovate new things. 

 Be like a baby.

 A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.

-- Eda J. Le Shan

It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.

-- Deepak Chopra


Babies touch the world with love.
-- Author Unknown