Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life Formula

Life Formula 

"Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process" - ANNE WILSON SCHAEF

Life = b3
b3 = (b+b+b)

Being + Become + Be = Life

I came out with this formula when i was journeying about my experiences. I hope this will help you. If a problem appears we search for solutions. We need to stop it as soon as possible to move on to the next step. If you need solution for a problem, just sit back analyse what was wrong intelligently not emotionally, go back to the origin of the problem - analyse what was wrong, why it happened like this? Who made this first? Why it came like this? by observing the answer will come to you. Same way life revolves in it. For every thing we need to go to the origin. Lets go to the origin of Life now.

First we need to understand about our life. What is Life? Who we are? What we do? for all these the answer is B3 - Being, Become, Be. Let me explain you more deeper, understand this concept and analyse. You may be in whatever situation now but his formula will help you to reach the destination. 

Good word. I use to tell my people enough of studying its now time to being. Philosophically the word being is that which has actuality either materially or in idea. There is another meaning also absolute existence in a complete or perfect state. Thoughtful meaning. Being is existence, individual, reality, realization and more than all it is life. We are being humans. We call it our self a being but we forget to live in this realization. First we need to understand this concept that we are Being. This is answer the question about Life. Our Life. So this is the first letter in the formula

So we discussed about being now its time to become. This is an important process in every one's life. If you ask a person about his ambition - he will give you a sooner reply that "I want to become a scientist" or "I want to earn more money" or "I want to serve people" and many more. People always use this word "become". We all love to become. But many problems occur internally in this process only. Become is the process which we move to the next level in our life.The word become has a very good meaning in it - to come or change more than this the good meaning can be "grow". When it come become we grow the process of growing.

The main word in Life. We are a being, we love to become to be in a position. The term position can be referred to occupy a place in life. "Be" can be seen in the other two words - Being and Become. These three are interlinked. Even "Be" refers to caterpillar later pupa which turns into a colorful butterfly and again the cycle goes to egg and so on. Same way the process of a human life is also the same after we come to "Be" we move on to being. 

You can wonder whats the use of understanding this? I suggest you to think about this formula for a while. If you understand this process you wont worry or hurry to your destination. The problem for all of us especially youngsters come only in "become" we rush saying no time no time and run towards the destination. We say to our self that the age of working or waiting is gone now no time for analysing i need to move fast. But by saying this we will come into stress. With this stress we cant move to our destination soon. It will take its own time like how we had grown for the long years. Like how a tree takes time to come out and grow from its seed. Same way Success doesn't come in one day. We need to Analyse about our inner self, then we need to Act and automatically "Win" will search for you and will come to you. 

"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. " - Buddha

"Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die" - AMELIA BURR

"It is never too late to become what you might have become."  George Eliot

1 comment:

sarwesh said...

B-Cube ... The formula tat every one will have to apply our own life..

A nice formula by G...

G for Genius or Guru.....