Friday, December 19, 2008

World-class design

Design – A wonderful word. I love this word. I was attracted to this word a long time ago, when I was in school. I wondered what its meaning was. I started searching. The dictionary read “The creation of something in the mind” .Really a powerful meaning. Here I was captivated by yet another word “creation”. Creation and design are more inter linked and inseparable. In design we create and in creation we design. I was captivated by design and started to go deeper into it. I started searching about design and asked many people about it. Some stated that design is a concept; one said design is an expression, and yet another said design is creativity. I was confused now .What is design? How do I understand it? Later I joined Diploma in Media Production Engineering where I thought of learning design.

I wish to introduce a wonderful person in my life Mr. Antony Cruz (my color theory, photoshop teacher), a stylish, lovable person with specially designed beard. I asked him how we can understand design sir, please explain. I got a wonderful reply “Dear Friend, Design can never be explained, it can only be understood.” I understood. I stopped asking people about design. Now I am trying to understand it. He also told me that “if you want to understand then observe things.”A powerful advice. I used to sit with a poster design for more than four hours to observe and understand it but I couldn’t make it out. I analyzed myself; I got that, the way I observed was not to that extent. Observation is an art. Finally I mastered observation – One day while my friends and I was having tea in Café Toda later they went for smoking near the car parking area. One of my friends Ranjith stopped near a Fiat Palio. I asked him what the problem was. No problem buddy, it’s an observation he replied. He explained me for more than half an hour about the indicator light in the car.

He observed the work and understood the design. Even I do so. Finally I got the art of observation. Observation is the only way to understand the design. I started observing I didn’t go sit in the internet searching for designs. I observed my beautiful world. It was full of designs. I observed the shape of trees, leaves, clouds, mountains, falls, snail (which has a natural shelter in its body) other animals like kangaroos, tortoise more than these the social animal MAN. Yes we human beings are wonderfully designed. I can say that humans are the greatest of nature’s designs. Observe my point and check it out – we all have same shape of eyes, nose, ears, hands, legs, nails, tongue, teeth, inner organs etc but slight changes makes big difference among us. Not only human even animals are same. I guess the one who created human being might have observed animals because the faces of humans can be related to them. This is called world class design. I appreciate the one who designed us. I love to give “Golden Globe Award for world class design.” I thank the one who inked me and the other one who colored and protected me. 

Don’t search outside the world observe in your inner world. 

Observe and design your life.

The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. - Charles Darwin

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. - Walt Disney


G said...

Nice one!keep it up

Basuvalingappa said...

really its good observation for me